Friday, September 5, 2008

Blog for Saturday

Since I will not have anything new to show you tomorrow, I copied this from a lady's blog site in New Zealand. Her blog is called, "Born to read and knit". Now you know why I found her. These questionairs are sometimes fun to fill out so, here goes.

Friday Fill ins:
1. When I'm sick I'm _____
just want to be left alone.

2. When I take a walk______,
now that seldom happens here in my desert, what with the heat and the bugs!

3. Money can't buy happiness but it _____
sure keeps the kids in touch. I found that license plate frame at fair. Loved it, makes me laugh and gets a comment or two by passerbys.

4. Cotton makes me ___
comfy here in my desert

5. The strangest person/character I've had lewd thoughts about was:
never happened. If it did, I would never admit it.

6. My favorite colour these days is
as always, pale coral.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to __
the same as every day. Playing with my yarn

These come by on my computer once in a while. Most of the time they are much longer and much more fun. When the next one comes by, I will pass it on.


Jeannelle said...

Thoughtful post.....and your header photo looks thoughtful, too! Very nice!

Ally Jay said...

My favourite colour to wear is pale coral