You can see why I gave my garden over to the chickens. Now find 'em. That "thing" you can see way in the back that looks like a head is a scarecrow my Baby Brother brought home for me.
As you can see, the garden is almost completely overtaken with Burmuda Grass and some other desert weeds that I have no idea of the name. The garden is completely covered over with bird netting. It makes a good place for the chickens, for the hawks can't get to them. I believe you can find a chicken in this picture. Beyond the garden is the green creosote bushes of my desert. They are only that green during the rainy season.
And of course, this one IS THE MAN!
This pictue is of the cantaloups that look promising. Perhaps the chickens have enough to feast on, (green things and bugs) that they will ignore the melons and I will get to eat them.