Friday, June 13, 2008


Below is a picture of the quilt of the title of this post. I have completed 3 quilts and there is one in progress. I AM NOT a quilt maker. All that precision is not yet something that I am interested in pursuing. Maybe someday but please, don't anyone hold your breath. I too much enjoy just slamming something together. The quilt pieces below came in a great big zippered bag that you would buy blankets in. I bought it stuffed full of fabric pieces at a thrift store. Imagine my surprise and excitement when I found many finished quilt blocks. I believe the quilt below was to have been two seperate quilts. I had fun making a "summer quilt" from those blocks. After I sewed all the blocks together ON MY SEWING MACHINE! I backed it with some white linen from my stash. After completing the quilt I set my machine to say "Grammy Loves Lily" completely around the whole border of the quilt and it will go to my little China Doll grand daughter this summer when I head for Tennessee. If you are a quilt maker, please do not even dare to click on the picture to perhaps examine the quilt closer. NIGHTMARE CITY for you.