I tell you all that to show you a very tiny thing that I do for a very small thank you for something nice someone has done for me. This morning I told you about the chickens someone gave Becky. I took a small gift bag to the lady who offered the chickens. In it were four pot holders that I had made. I keep one in the making all the time. I very seldom throw away anything. When I am knitting or crocheting, if there is a small strand of yarn that is at least 3" or longer I tie it onto the potholder I am making. It is a fun thing to do because it is a mind numbing thing to do when I don't want to think and it takes no finishing because all the ends and knots are tucked inside and never seen. (Makes more padding for the potholder)
The first picture is the beginning of the potholder. You just crochet a chain as long as you want the pot holder to be square and then single crochet all around and around and around...you get the idea. Don't add any stitches to the ends, just keep going around.
Pretty soon the piece will begin to cup (turn into a boat.
When the sides of the boat meet each other you sew or crochet the sides together and VOILA! you have a potholder.