Friday, June 13, 2008


Below is a picture of the quilt of the title of this post. I have completed 3 quilts and there is one in progress. I AM NOT a quilt maker. All that precision is not yet something that I am interested in pursuing. Maybe someday but please, don't anyone hold your breath. I too much enjoy just slamming something together. The quilt pieces below came in a great big zippered bag that you would buy blankets in. I bought it stuffed full of fabric pieces at a thrift store. Imagine my surprise and excitement when I found many finished quilt blocks. I believe the quilt below was to have been two seperate quilts. I had fun making a "summer quilt" from those blocks. After I sewed all the blocks together ON MY SEWING MACHINE! I backed it with some white linen from my stash. After completing the quilt I set my machine to say "Grammy Loves Lily" completely around the whole border of the quilt and it will go to my little China Doll grand daughter this summer when I head for Tennessee. If you are a quilt maker, please do not even dare to click on the picture to perhaps examine the quilt closer. NIGHTMARE CITY for you.


Charlotte said...

I think this is a very pretty quilt. I love the colors. Those little sunbonnet girls (and boys) were very popular in the old days.

Down on the Farm said...

I have a matching yellow and white gingham apron and a sunbonnet hanging on my one tiny wall along with pictures of their house that belonged to my grandmother. Also the purse and one glove that she carried and wore to my wedding. Nice to have.

nannykim said...

hmm, I was replying and hit some button and it erased everything, as far as I can tell!! You asked where I lived in CT. I lived up in Somers which is just outside of East Longmeadow and Springfield , Ma. We used to travel through the Danbury area when we would visit friends and relatives in NJ. I have lived in SC for about 26 years now!! I don't have the patience for quilting (I don't think!!--I do crochet).

Down on the Farm said...

nannykim: Thanks for your answer. We lived in CT 2 different times for a total of 5 years. My late hubby and I took many trips in a hub all around Danbury. We knew we didn't have an unlimited time in CT and took every chance we had to get acquainted with the area. I tolerated winter because I knew it was a limited time we had to be there.

Beth E. said...

You said this wasn't special, I think it's very special!