Tuesday, June 10, 2008

What ever

Nothing particular comes to mind to post this a.m. I had thought of taking pictures of all the yarn I "scored" at the yard sales and thrift stores while in Ventura but I already have it put away. It was a great trip for yarn. There is not a whole lot of yarn available here in my desert. Not much call for it. Even two yarn stores I have visited in the past five years I have lived here (for the second time) have closed. Can you blame them? I can seldom wear the things I make because even in the winter by the time I get to where I am going I shed my sweater. When Becky and I yard sale together we part company immediately. She heads for the books and I head for whatever crafty things I can see in the hope of getting my hands on yarn. I end up with a double deal. Becky has a "library" in her house. I probably would never need to buy a single book.

I found a skein of ribbon yarn, (I have not ever worked with ribbon yarn in the past) and Sunday a.m. before Sunday school I picked it up and crocheted a hat for whoever likes it in Tennessee. It was fun to work with and very quick. I have a drawer half filled with a beautiful pale coral ribbon yarn that I have not yet decided on a pattern for. Now I am anxious to finish the sweater I am knitting and start on the ribbon yarn jacket. I am thinking it would look good as a jacket. The only problem is...I don't attend functions anymore that would require fancy dressup clothes. I used to attend the symphony and stage plays but now I would rather stay home. Yarn and old age is catching up with me. When the sun comes up and goes down so do I.

I will post a picture of the sweater I am almost finished with.

Until then, GOODNIGHT MRS. CALABASH. (Wasn't that Jimmy Darante, Derente, Darente) Durn, wish I could spell.

1 comment:

Beth E. said...

"... where ever you are." I think it's Durante. Love you.