Friday, April 18, 2008

Try, try again.

I tried earlier to set up Friday's post but the picture part of the blogspot wasn't working. Here goes again. Wish me luck.

HAH!. I slipped the pictures in. The first one is the very young Palo Verde Tree. This tree is unique in that is has all green trunk and branches. The second two pictures are of a Creosote bush that is almost gone to seed. The blossoms have all turned to what will be the seed and looks like tiny puff balls. The next two pictures are of a creosote bush that is not that far along yet. Has about half blossoms and half puff balls.

That is all until tomorrow. Gotta go pick up my yarn. I have been milking goats, feeding chickens and ducks and the goats, (Becky is at a garage sale her church is having to earn money for the kids to go to camp) watering my garden so BB can pull some more weeds and erect some more supports for the tomaotes and peas. Now, time to rest for a while.

1 comment:

Beth E. said...

Pick your yarn? I didn't know you grew that in AZ.!