Saturday, April 19, 2008

Get up and go?

My GO didn't happen with my GET UP this morning. I am sitting here sipping my coffee waiting for the GO to happen. I have been "visiting" with some of you lovely ladies and seeing what lovely things you have done in your homes and appreciating all. That is as far as I will go with my interior and "out-terier" decorating. Way too much effort. I am not a lazy person. I simply have energy that only goes so far and it doesn't cover the "pretty" things. I am content with what I have. I was sitting on my back porch with BB last night, (do you remember that BB means baby brother?) after supper last night, full tummys and a feeling of great contentment came over us both. Right now, my desert is mostly green and yellow. The Mesquite and Palo Verde trees are filled with blossoms. The air is alive with the buzzing of bees. He mentioned that there is no place in the world that he would rather be than right here on my back porch. Frequently there are questionaires that come on e-mail to fill out that suggests that filling out the answers is a way to get to know your friends better. There is always the question, "If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would that be?" My answere is always, Beautiful Marana, AZ. Oh, I know, it is not so beautiful in the middle of Summer when it is 110 degrees more or less and everything has turned brown, but I know that the rains will come and turn things green again for a while. My sweet late husband used to say to people that complained about the heat, "Yeah, but you don't have to shovel it!" We lived in CT., CO., & IA for periods of time. We know about ice and snow. Fortunaty, the times we lived in those places, we knew the time was limited and we enjoyed getting to know the area. Another "fortunately", the Lord chose to take him home when we lived in MY desert. THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE HOME.


Beth E. said...

No place like home... Spring Hill, TN! :) But I'm glad you love the dirt outside your door! I don't like to mow, but I do like the grass (and the snow and We've never had to shovel it once. Not enough of it here.)

Charlotte said...

Lovely pictures from yesterday. I have come to see the beauty of the desert and to love it. There was a time when I couldn't imagine anyone wanting to live there. Now I would rather be here than any other place - well, maybe with the exception of Carmel.

Brenda said...

Hi Connie,
You sure couldn't show us a better picture of contentment than that! It's so wonderful to not only live in His peace, but also have the simple peaceful pleasure of just relaxing on a backporch with loved ones.
Brenda :)