Thursday, April 17, 2008

Too much too soon

Finally, yesterday, I started feeling better and regaining some energy. True to form, I went out to the garden to water and pull weeds. I believe I worked out there for about an hour. Most of the rest of the day I was inside playing with yarn. It was such a beautiful day that when I was expecting BB to come home I started walking to meet him. I used to do that when my husband was alive. I have the Bible on tape and every day my husband would call me when he started home and I would put on my walking shoes, my walkman in my ears and work my way through the Bible. Amazing how the Bible comes together when you "read" it every day. Anyway, last night, I started walking and walked about 1/2 mile before my energy was used up. I sat on a large utility box to wait for him. Or Bob (son-in-law). One neighbor was on the way out and saw me "getting dusted" as she said in an e-mail. Finally another neighbor saw me and stopped and took me home. Thankfully. Very thankfully. This morning my body is telling me I did too much too soon. I think today I will have to take it easy once again. Meanwhile, I will try to find a picture you haven't seen.
The picture is of my back porch. I didn't want a large back porch. This one is just right.


Beth E. said...

I'm very glad you're feeling better! No one want's a sick Grammy. Get better and stay better and don't forget the humidifier!!!

Down on the Farm said...

Humidifiers don't do a whole lot of good when the whole house is open. It is so cold this a.m. It was only in the high 50's when I woke up. House is open and COLD.

Charlotte said...

Doing too much too soon is an easy thing to do. I'm just glad you're able to be out and about again. Soon you'll be going full force.
I know what you mean about roses, etc. They take too much care. Although just one rose bush isn't bad. We had about 30 in Stockton. They were a lot of work, but they were sure pretty.

kadellis said...

I'm glad you're getting your energy back!
I miss hearing/re-hearing your stories...

Down on the Farm said...

Thanks for stopping by, all of you.