Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Emptying baskets

I didn't know a cold could wreak such havoc on an OLD PERSON! I have been "under" for...this is the 11th day. I know I will be better someday but meanwhile the weeds have taken over my garden.

BB brought home a GODSEND, as he called it, last night. The night before when he was here I was describing how Martha Stewart poled her green bean plants. It involves a tripod of
6 ft. tall bamboo poles, string and anchors for the string, all of which allows the beans to climb. He found in a pile of trash where he works, a whole bunch of PVC pipe that had been used for something and was no longer wanted. He believes it has a value of appx. $60. (We a are very wastefull sociaty, we Americans) At any rate, he was excited about his find and when he arrived, he immediately started pulling weeds and erecting tripods. He put the two he built over the top of my volunteer tomatoes. When he got the garden ready to plant this spring(tilled it) there were many cherry tomatoes that had fallen to the ground and had never ripened because of the onset of winter. The volunteer tomatoes are taking over my garden. I am happy about that, home grown tomatoes are one of my favorite things.

Oh yes. Emptying baskets. I can seldom sit with my hands folded and do nothing, even while I am very ill. (That did happen a couple of days while I was the most ill) So...I sat and decided that I would finish projects. I never tie into to something and work until it is finished. I do something for a while and then move on to something else. I NEVER SAY BORED! (Baby daughter says, "Mom, that sound like a little A.D.D kicking in) I just keep doing different things all day. I have so much to do that interest me that bored simply doesn't enter into my mind. I have several baskets (perhaps 7-8) with ongoing project in them. While I was so ill I decided that I would try to get some of those finished. It takes less energy to do what is in front of you rather than go find new things to do. At any rate, I have been emptying baskets. When I have more energy I will take pictures and show you what I have finished.

I just added a picture for you. BB was playing with my camera last summer and took this picture. Not a very interesting picture I know but it is one you haven't seen. It is taken from my back porch. You see the OLD PERSON walking from the garage. There is a cloths line my son-in-law put up for me shortly after I moved in. I have always hung my clothes out to dry whenever I can. This OLD PERSON is and old fashioned person.


Charlotte said...

Hi Connie,
I'm glad you're out and about again. My you are ambicious. When I'm sick I don't want to do anything but lay around and feel bad. Your way is better. I like the picture. I guess home-grown tomatoes is just about my favorite vegetable although technically I guess it isn't even a vegetable. I've heard it is a fruit.

Brenda said...

Yay! Welcome back Connie! Glad you're feeling better.
Like you, I love a fresh homegrown tomato. Can't be refrigerated first, just fresh washed and a salt shaker! My mouth is watering!
God bless!
Brenda :)

kadellis said...

good, kind BB!!