Sunday, April 6, 2008

TERRIBLE, AWFUL......................

TERRIBLE, AWFUL, HORRIBLE, NO GOOD, VERY BAD DAY. I don't know if I have all the words in there correctly or the right sequence (Clif and Kala would know) but that is this day. Couldn't go to church. I think it is the first day I have missed church in over five years if I were in town. Nasty cold, nastier cough, wondering if it is turning into pnumonia. I have had pnumonia 2-3 times and understand that once you have it, it is easier to get it again.

All you sweet and wonderful ladies are always putting in the prettiest pictures of your home and what you have in it. I decided that I will put in a pictre of my new (kinda new) pillows. I bought them at a thrift store for $3 each. Perfect pillows for my bed, perfect colors and the price cannot be beat. I believe decorator pillows are sky high in price these days. Click on the picture to make it larger. I would go in there and make use of those pillows right now but I can't breath well lying down.

Poor pathetic me.


Charlotte said...

Pretty pillows. Pretty bed. Pretty picture, pretty curtains. It's all pretty. I'm sorry you are feeling so bad. Speaking of pneumonia, I had it when I was a baby and again when I was in 2nd grade. That was the last time I had it. Take care of yourself and hurry up and get well. Time's awastin'
Oh, too late. The vanilla one is gone too.

Brenda said...

I'm so sorry you're not feeling well :( Those are pretty. And getting them at such a great price make them even prettier!!!
God Bless.

Charlotte said...

I wrote a comment, but the computer seems to have deleted it. I'll try again. I was saying - since you haven't posted anything or commented in awhile, I assume you're still "under the weather." I just visited a blog that you might enjoy seeing.
A few days ago she was ill and depressed and wrote about it. Now she seems to be feeling fine. Anyway, when I read it I thought about you. Sure hope you are feeling better.
When he read that you were sick, Clif said he thought about what Tony Crane use to tell him when he was sick. "It's Valley Fever - tell your doctor. He can help you.

Down on the Farm said...

Not well yet. Nasty! But I will get better. Maybe not soon enough to conquer the weeds in my garden!

Happy_Dawn said...

This picture makes your room look like a hotel suite! How stylish! I do hope that you are on the mend. I was not feeling so well this year, and I must admit that I am very happy not to be sick.
Fondly, thinking of you. :)

Beth E. said...

Ok, how often is that bed made? Grammy's are good at that cause nobodies messin' it up for them! Someday I will have a made bed too :)

kadellis said...

I think you got that title right...
There might have been an extra "very" needed.
When I saw the picture I thought of Edgar..."Throw me the pillow that you dream on"