Friday, March 13, 2009

Let's start at the very beginning......

I have discovered, after making maybe three crazy quilts and starting in a fourth, that I LOVE making crazy quilts. I told a friend of mine in TN the other day that these are the reasons I enjoy making crazy quilts but not the structured ones.

1. I am accomplishing something with a goal in mind
2. I am very GREEN! I never throw away scraps of material. I make them into quilts
3. It is not repetitive. It is a different thing with every seam sewed.
4. It is like watching a flower bloom. You don't know what it is going to look
like until it is completed.

If you are a neat freak this would drive you batty. It doesn't bother me. I don't
expect any company. Only those around me who love and accept me the way they find me

The mess you see in the first picture is a pile of scraps and threads that is only about 1/3 the heap it was in the beginning. I emptied my 3 boxes of scraps, sorted double knit from woven and light weight from heavy. Then started matching sides and sizes.

I love my Baby Lock machine when it is behaving. It is very tempermental and sometime I would love to toss it through the window but it is working beautifully right now.

The first seam goes together on the Babylock which works with 4 threads and trims every seam very nicely at the same time.

The next step is ironing the seam but I know you don't need to see my beautiful new iron I bought at a yard sale a few weeks ago. It is the greatest iron I have ever had. I love it.

After ironing the first seam I head for my Bernina and top stitch with the Chicken Foot stitch Then back to the ironing board and then the cutting table to match up where the new seam is going to be, trim it on my new table. Well, maybe not so new. The school where BB works discarded it and he brought it home to me. Great cutting table. Keeps the mess out of my big kitchen.

This is all repeated over and over and ..... until the quilt is completed.

The last two pictures are of the block growing and growing, soon to become my Summer Crazy Quilt. It will be nothing more than the top of the quilt which is light weight and backed with a sheet. That is all I will need on the bed all Summer. I will take a picture of it when I am finished.

Hope most of you didn't get too bored with this blog.


Charlotte said...

Looks like fun to me. I love both of your sewing machines. I have a crazy quilt that someone made for my mother many years ago. I've made a few quilts but I guess I'm too structured. I never made a crazy one. LOL

Brenda said...

How fun! If I were a quilter that's the kind I'd probably go for, 'cause it looks like you can just do anything you want.
The analogy comes to mind of how unique each of your crazy quilts are--no two the same--so are we. All shapes and sizes and colors and personalities!

Beth E. said...

Another pretty quilt. :)

kalepa ta kala said...

I do love MY quilt!!! I sleep with it almost every night.
It's so pretty and warm.
Thank you!

Oh and the expected mail hasn't come through yet, but I'm not worried. Hopefully I'll be able to talk with you soon!