Thursday, January 22, 2009


Last night at church a friend mentioned that I had not put anything on my blog in a while. I said i have been busy (who hasn't?) and that I had not had anything of interest to ya'all. Below, in response to his request, there are some pictures that attest to my RED-NEKID-NESS. I will never be ashamed of that trait. I was GREEN before the term GREEN came into play. I do not like to waste anything. I am always believing that whatever I am not using at the moment I will be able to use it at another time. For a while, I lined my garden with 2 liter bottles filled with water. I acquired the bottles from my son who drinks from 1 to 2 2 liter bottles of Canada Dry Lemon Lime soda every day. I thought I might keep the little critters out of my garden (they don't seem to get into the garden anyway because I have it surrounded with hog wire and also chicken wire. I found that the bottles made it hard to keep the weeds whacked away so I decided not to use them anymore. I disposed of them little by little as I emptied the water here and there. I left for a trip to TN & IN in Oct., stopped watering the tomatoes planted by the house. I noticed that one plant was still green and striving to live inspite of no water from Oct. to Dec. So...BB helped me make a small green house with the bottles full of water. I believe the water will suck in the heat in the day and will hold the heat for a while into the night. When it is freezing, I cover the contraption with a sheet. I noticed that the tiny pea sized red tomatoes might not be very tasty so I cleaned out the floor of the chicken coop and dumped it onto the top of the plant. NOW, if I haven't roasted the tomato plant with chicken poop I have hopes of having a tomato or two before long. HIGH HOPES, I HAVE HIGH HOPES...


Brenda said...

How ingenious in that?! What a neat idea. And that's a lot of lemon-lime soda. Yikes!
God bless,

LeatherneckJoe said...

You certainly are resourceful; however I am afraid you may have burned your plants. Chicken manure, if used heavily will kill the plants. Maybe if you water the area down real well it will help was some of it away. If you need to purchase another plant, garden harvest supply has potted plants ready to go.