Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Old knees

I told you I would let you know about my knee. The pain I have had in my knee is greatly affected by the shoes I wear. I went to a podiatrist and we talked and he poked and he sold me a very expensive shoe liner? support to put in my shoe. It seemed to make a difference yesterday. I have not given it a full test yet but I think it will help. He believes the pain in the knee is related to an injury of five years ago to the ankle. It just may be. I think I will give it the untimate test by going out in the garden and extracting some more burmuda grass.

Some of you have mentioned that you enjoy the pictures I put on my blog. I will put one on that two of my neices will get a big laugh out of. It is of my BB and their dad.


Charlotte said...

Hi Connie,
I hope the shoe liner helps. I went back to my knee doctor yesterday. I asked him about this place that advertizes in the paper (coupons included) called Foot Solutions. He said it might help my knee. Maybe I'll try it.

Brenda said...

Hello Connie, hopefully these will help you. I was tagged with the 6 quirky things about myself meme. You're welcome to join in. If you've already done this one, could you send me your link?
Have a great day!
Brenda :)

Down on the Farm said...

Brenda: I am still learning this computer talk. I am assuming by link you mean the address of my blog? it is:

Beth E. said...

Yuck! Keep your food to yourself! You look like Boyd and act like Becky... too bad you didn't turn out sophisticated like me! If you lift your plate under your chin, you don't spill so much!!!

kadellis said...

Hahaha, that's my uncle booger!!
I hope those shoe liner supgort thingies help!