Sunday, February 17, 2008


My hat is off to all you bloggers who are "in the know". I am not. I found this lovely little counter that some of you have on your sites to show how many people have visited your site and like it very much. I just cannot figure out how to install it on mine. Guess I will go do what I do best for a while before it is time to get ready for church. Needle work. I am almost finished with an afghan I started less than two weeks ago. I found a bag of very pretty yarn (at a thrift store) in some of my favorite colors with 2 finished mile a minute panels and one part way finished. I brought it home and matched up color shades from my stash and some new type patterns and stitches that are fun to make and VOILA! (is that the correct spelling?) an afghan. When it is complete I will take a picture and let you see.
Meanwhile, some of you have mentioned how much you like picture. I will show you one of my Tennessee grand kids.


Anonymous said...

Wow Connie! What incredibly beautiful kids... I can say that cause I'm not at all related to them... just an admirer of extreme beauty... they also look well adjusted and smart. Whoever your kids are, they must have done a great job!

Charlotte said...

Great picture of the kids.
I'm anxious to see your afghan when it's finished.
Some templates are easier than others to add stuff to. The one I use is very user friendly. It almost explains itself. I can't figure out how to add anything on the one Clif uses. He can't either. He's planning to change his template soon as he figures out exactly what he wants to do.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for checking in again(I guess you are the same one that left a msg. before) Thanks for the very beautiful words about my children and my grands. All you say is true, they did and are doing a great job. They are hoping and praying to adopt yet another grand child for me.

Charlotte: My computer tech brother was over here this afternoon and even he could not figure out how to install the counter. He said he is going to "think on it" and he will most likely come back with a solution.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for checking in again(I guess you are the same one that left a msg. before) Thanks for the very beautiful words about my children and my grands. All you say is true, they did and are doing a great job. They are hoping and praying to adopt yet another grand child for me.

Charlotte: My computer tech brother was over here this afternoon and even he could not figure out how to install the counter. He said he is going to "think on it" and he will most likely come back with a solution.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for checking in again(I guess you are the same one that left a msg. before) Thanks for the very beautiful words about my children and my grands. All you say is true, they did and are doing a great job. They are hoping and praying to adopt yet another grand child for me.

Charlotte: My computer tech brother was over here this afternoon and even he could not figure out how to install the counter. He said he is going to "think on it" and he will most likely come back with a solution.