Saturday, February 9, 2008

I spent much of my day yesterday with a dear friend I met in Iowa. I lived there just a year and a half and have kept in touch with several of the sweet ladies I spent time with while there. We had an organization within the Bettendorf (Iowa) Christian Church called "Care and Share" Those are amazing CHRISTIAN ladies. While I was there we made caps for the homeless, tiny shirts and cloth diapers for babies in a far away lands, cookies for the orphanage, drapes for some room in the church and when they finished a project they ask, "What else can we do?" I have never been associated with people who deliberately looked for things to do for others.

The picture attached is a picture of my dear friend Dorothy. She now lives near to St. Lois, MO but visits her son in Chandler, AZ once a year and if life doesn't interrupt ( I was ill one year and didn't want to pass it on so didn't get to see her that year) I have the pleasure of visiting with her. Her son is an avid ROCK collector and visit the Gem and Mineral Show each year held in Tucson. I believed Dorothy would enjoy spending time Down on the Farm instead of trouping around the rocks for hours so I invited her home with me while her troups trouped. The picture inserted is Dorothy with the as yet unplanted garden.


Charlotte said...

This is special. You are a true friend. I'm anxious to see your garden grow.

Down on the Farm said...

My brother suggested that I take a picture of the progress. I spent 5-6 hours out there yesterday. I have almost all my garden enclosed in bird netting and several rows planted. Perhaps I will take another picture today.