Thursday, November 13, 2008

Doin' whatever

I guess I must be bored today. Why? It is the most beautiful day, it is supposed to be about 80 degrees today and here I sit, messing with my blog. I did learn a little more about it (way to go huh? Charlotte.) I think after spending time on this site, I had better get back to my yarn.


Anonymous said...

Scrabble long distance sounds like great fun. I love Scrabble. Creating links is simple. When you're writing your post, you just highlight the word (any word) that you want to link something to and click on the little chain link above where you're typing, That will bring up the URL that you want to link to the word. Of course the URL is that HTTP thing. In fact, the http is already there for you. Then just click OK and it's linked.
Boy, it is beautiful here today too. This morning we went out to City North. They were having their grand opening, the Mayor was there along with other dignitaries and they had the ribbon cutting ceremony. City North is right by Desert Ridge if you know where that is. It's only about 5 minutes from our house - right down 56th St.
Happy knitting, Scrabbling and Blogging.

Down on the Farm said...

Thanks for the info. I copied it because I can't remember from one sentence to the next. I will work on it.

If you want to play scrabble with me, go to and set yourself up an account. If you can't figure it out (SILLY ME) I believe Beth would be happy to set it up for you. You can go to the serch engine within Facebook and look for people in your past. It is a fun thing to do. Let me know if you need any help. Beth set mine up and did a great job. Many pictures and other thing.

Down on the Farm said...

Thanks for the info. I copied it because I can't remember from one sentence to the next. I will work on it.

If you want to play scrabble with me, go to and set yourself up an account. If you can't figure it out (SILLY ME) I believe Beth would be happy to set it up for you. You can go to the serch engine within Facebook and look for people in your past. It is a fun thing to do. Let me know if you need any help. Beth set mine up and did a great job. Many pictures and other thing.