Wednesday, May 14, 2008

My "Family" room

Yesterday I tried to upload these pictures but the site wouldn't let me. Today, they uploaded in a different manner than expected. I KNOW that computers have minds of their own.

My family room is different than most. I call my sewing room my family room. I love going in there (when I can wade through it) because every wall is plastered with family pictures. The two pictures I have on here today are on the wall of an out jutting closet. The closet is not inset into the wall like most. Anyway, on the little wall, just as you go into the room are hanging things that are memory things of the place were I was born. I had hoped the pictures on the wall could be seen but I don't believe you can see them. I was born in my grandmother and grandfathers house in Thayer, MO. in the front bedroom. The pictures were taken for a surprise gift by my sweet and thoughtful baby daughter. All 12 of my family met in Branson, MO a few years ago for a weeks vacation and they drove through Thayer and found the house and took pictures of my grand children on the front porch on their way home. (click on the pictures and perhaps you will be able to enlarge it) The other items in the other picture are my grandmothers apron and bonnet that she wore while in the garden and the hat, purse and one glove (the other is lost) that my grandma wore to my wedding in 1958. The colorful picture of the lady is one that hung in my mom's bedroom when she was a young girl. There are some "quilt" type things peiced by my grandmother and set into embroidery hoops.

Tomorrow (God willin' and the creek don't rise) I will show you the walls that are plastered with pictures.


kadellis said...

I LOVE this soooo much!!
I don't think I had ever heard before what each of these items were from... actually I most likely have but had forgottan (which is why it is good that repeat stories are popular in our family). What is funny to me is the fact that although these items hold very specific memories for you having to do with your grandmother and such, these items are catalogued in my mind as things that I associate with memories of you-- especially the one of the young lady in front of the mirror. It's pretty neat and very sweet (hehe I rhymed) how that works out.

Beth E. said...

Kala is so sweet. How did I get such a nice daughter?! I bet you're thinking the same thing, huh mom? Huh? Huh?