Monday, April 21, 2008


DURN! My photography skills let me down. I have been waiting for the best opportunity for two years to take the attached picture. The opportunity would be:

The right season
Just the right time in that season
Heading for church or town at just the right time
The best light (early in the morning
I took my camera to church with me yesterday. Was passing thru the
"Camino de Lozania" and hoped it all worked together and as you can see, it didn't. The trees are almost all Palo Verde trees in full blossom. There is a short stretch of road on the way down the frontage road on the way from my house to Tucson that is truly beautiful at this time of year. It just doesn't show up here.

By the way, I looked up the translation online because I don't speak Spanish. Camino de Lozania is the best I could come up with for the translation for Corridor of Blossoms.


Beth E. said...

So, is it just that you can't see the blossoms or they aren't there... you could take a close up. I like the name.

Charlotte said...

How many times I have been disappointed in pictures. Sometimes they are great. Other times they do not do justice at all to the subject being photographed. There are a lot of those trees around here blooming now. They're really pretty.