Friday, March 7, 2008

HE never sleeps, HE never slumbers

Sometimes when I get up very early I make the comment, "I woke up before God this morning". I know, I know, He never sleeps, He never slumbers, I just try to make a comment that will make someone laugh. At any rate, I was up before 5 a.m. this morning and I have nothing to share. I will just try to find a picture you might like to see. I won't know what it is until I take a look. I have started carrying my camera in my purse all the time in case I find a good picture.

OK, the picture I chose is a picture of my two oldest grand kids. When Grammys run out of things to share we can always show you the pictures of our grands. This picture was taken last Summer in Cleveland, TN at Kala's school. She will be 21 this coming Sept. and Spencer will be 18 y/o. I know, I know, they look like bro. and sis. Can't make a mistake on that observation.


Charlotte said...

Great pictures. Good idea to carry your camera with you everywhere. I was just telling Clif yesterday that I should start carrying my camera everywhere we go. You never know when you'll see something you want to take a picture of. I must do that.

Anonymous said...

I am waiting paitently for a very special view that happened last year and hoping it will happen again. There is a frontage road that runs parallel... paralell... RATS! along side hwy 10. It is lined with mesquite trees. Last year the whole road, for a little way, was lighted with yellow blossoms. It is not a very pretty picture other than at the special time. When and if it happens, you shall see it. And thanks for always having a comment for my blog. NICE LADY YOU! Connie

Charlotte said...

Hi Connie,
Yes, I remember when you had long dark hair - lots of it. Doesn't seem like it was that long ago. My hair has been white so long it's hard to remember when it wasn't. It's a lot thinner too. It use to be really thick. Now it's really thin. That's what time will do to a person.
Have a great weekend.