Yesterday I went "to town" to have the oil changed in my car. I also did a little garage sale-ing before I headed home. I decided to take you on the trip with me. I will try to get the pictures in order. I took a picture of my house then the little street on which I live. My street is a country style of a city cul-de-sac. It has my drive way, my daughters drive way and ends with an entry into someone else's drive. Each picture will be another road that leads to my house. There is a picture of the bank of mail boxes. My mail box is about 5 miles from my house. My BB (baby bro) picks up my mail each night on his way home from work. I took a picture of the pretty wild flowers. Lupins and a daisy type flower. I took a picture of where the pavement ends and then there is about 5 more miles of dirt, washboard road before home. The last picture I took is of the frontage road (on which I have to travel to get to the series of roads to get home) and right across to the left is Hwy 10 heading to Phoenix. There is a very busy railroad track that is about 5-8 miles from my home as the crow flies. A nice engineer just happened to be passing by when I was taking the picture so I had to take a picture of the train as it passed. I hear the whistle many times a day and night. I wondered how many trains passed by there each day and I believe I learned that there are appx. 65 trains in 24 hours. I don't "do" numbers well and my have forgotten the correct number. At any rate there are a lot of trains in a 24 hour period.
Sunset this evening.
Thanks for stopping by! Click *HERE *to see more sky photos.
3 years ago
miss that... :)
Everything's looking so green, Am I deceived or are you guys going to have a green spring?
Boy, you really did take us on a trip.
I did a meme (had to look this word up. I'd never heard of it before I started bloggin') today on eight things readers don't know about me. GuesS who got tagged to play the game? CONNIE.
I have a little electric pocket dictionary and the word meme is not in it. Guess I will have to go to good ol' dependable Webster. I will go to your blog to see how you did the meme before I do it and chance making my self look silly/sillier.
Kala, where is your picture? And yes, I even have a lawn. Of course it is made up of desert weeds and I cut it with a weed whacker. Much love....Grammy
Always love your photos, but I am especially drawn to the one of the train in this post. The light and shadows are great...and it reminds me of home :)
Thanks for directions to your blog. Its fun to see the photos of your home and the Arizona countryside.
Thanks for visiting my blog!
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