Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Blog visiting

I love blog visiting. Clif (former minister at LHCC in Phoenix) encouraged me to start a blog long ago but I resisted. After Charlotte (His lovely wife) started hers I decided to join the blogging crowd. Coffee and bloging is a great way to start the day. So much better than the newpaper with all those names I will never...whatever.

1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they've been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

What I was doing 10 years ago:
I was in Iowa with my husband. He had accepted a job there (which he resisted for a while. Long story) I was able to join him for about a year and a half then life's circumstances required me to go back to our home in Scottsdale. He was able to move back home within the year and then the Lord took him home.

Five things on my to-do list today:
As alway, try to catch some dust and push it back outside. I don't do that well. Too many much more interesting things to do, related with fabric and yarn. I had a house keeper once a week for many years and when I moved to Marana, AZ after my husband died I thought I had other ways I would rather spend that money. Right now I certainly wish I had those house keepers once again.

Snacks I enjoy:
Oh my, Orville Redenbacher(I know, the spelling is not correct and I don't care) popped the old fashioned way is my first choice. If I had home made pie I would have it for each meal of the day until it was finished off. Apple, custard, cream, NOT berry. A little candy now and then but preferably with no chocolate. Nuts and caramel.

Things I would do if I were a billionaire:
I told one of my grand kids that if I had unlimited money I would buy each one of them a RED JEEP. Middle child Becky told him that there was not chance of that happening of course but I sure would enjoy doing that. Of course there are missionaries that I have helped support for most of my adult life that would see a huge check. AND I WOULD HAVE THAT HOUSEKEEPER ONCE AGAIN.

Three of my bad habits:
You know that already: ignoring dust
and of course, poor eating habits. Easy to do when no one is watching.
and ignoring dust once again.

Five places I have lived:
Thayer, MO (my starting place)
San Jose, CA
Danbury, CT
Boulder, CO
Tucson, AZ

Five jobs I've had:
House keeping and cooking once a week for an old couple when I was in Bible College
Telephone company/ long distance/information/teletype
Diet Center (yep, I know how to do it, I just don't right now)
Worked at a little hot dog stand in CT. holding the job until my son got out of school for the summer and then, silly me, stayed along with him. Not a good place to be. No problem with him, just the crazed owner of the business.
Front office in a dentist office while my husband was away in Iowa

Five people I want to know more about (a nice way of saying TAG!):
Anyone who reads this and is interested in responding.


Charlotte said...

Hi Connie. Was glad you decided to play the game. I enjoyed reading it. I hope others decide to follow your lead and play along.
Have a great day and don't let the "dust bunnies" get you down.

Brenda said...

Thanks, Connie, for playing too. If I ever get another meme I'll leave it open to anyone like that. I'd never done one, so I guess thought I neede to 'follow the rules'!

I enjoyed yours. I guess living where you do there would be lots and lots of dust. I think that's the least part of housecleaning for me is dusting.

Enjoy your day.

Beth E. said...

Did you notice most things came in 5 for you... even the amount of people in your family.