Sunday, February 3, 2008

Sweet Sunday

"Today is the day the Lord has made, rejoice and be glad in it" is a scripture that comes to mind frequently. At my age, simply being able to "get up and take nourishment" (as my dad used to say) is a victory. Some can't.

Church this morning. It is alway good to be in the Lord's house. Now I am doing what I do most. Creating! I love getting partially finished projects at garage sales and thrift stores and finishing them and then putting them in the church craft sale. All the money goes to missions and since I am definately NOT a teacher, being able to do that makes me a missionary. I am going to try to attach a picture of a sweet little neighbor modeling a sweater that I made. She is a tiny SP (or is it PS), size 2-4. I am still trying to find someone who can wear it who would like to buy it. Remember, money for missions.

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